So it is pretty sad that I started a blog and I am already off to a very, very slow start. Pretty sad, indeed! You may be wondering the source of my absenteeism. Well here are a few of the reasons:
Homeschooling these three lovelies has been fun. HOWEVER, I will be honest with you-I have been questioning myself greatly as to whether or not this was the right time to do all of them. So much so that we are contemplating if we should re-enroll the boys in traditional-style schooling. They are great students and really enjoy learning. The problem is that with the boys being in 1st and 2nd and Bethany in 6th, I find myself left with NO time for my normal duties of being a woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, get the picture. Plus add a toddler in the mix and I am almost at my whit's end! I am barely finding time to even shower. Not good! Where's hubs at you may ask? He is doing his part, I assure you. He is a full-time Associate Pastor at our church and he referees football and basketball in his spare time. When he comes home he can most likely be found doing dishes that I was unable to do or start another load of laundry so we aren't running around naked!He's just an awesome husband and I am truly blessed:)
So, back to my dilemma. What do I do? I am torn, because I feel as if I am being selfish for wanting to send them back. All because I don't have enough time to get things done. What would you do? If you have a moment, can you say a little prayer for my family and me? I always want to do what God wants us to do and right now I can't seem to get a peace about any of it.
Well, that's it for now. I will let you know the outcome of it in the next post. Also, I promise to show you the spice rack in my bedroom.;pp
Love always,
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